Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Thoughts on tag game variations

Googling about the tag game I came up with this project from 2004: Citytag. It's very interesting to see a similar idea and the technology they managed to use almost 10 years ago.

In our version of the tag game (we should give it a name!) there are two color teams, for example: the blue and the read team. Each team will try to be the dominant one: when a blue kid touches a red kid, the red kid turns blue. Now the new blue kid has to go after other red kids to turn them blue too.

Citytag had another version: after being "tagged" you were trapped in the other team color, and another member of your original color had to be close to you to "save" you and give you back your original color.

That made us think that our game is actually open to both interpretations. It's up to the kids to decide if they want to really become part of the new team once they are tagged, or if they want somebody from their original team to "untag" them. We like to have a game with some rules but that it still lets an open door to variations, as the original tag game does.

Our game could also have other two alternatives (that require to be considered in the program):
  • Having only one "tagged" person at a time instead of teams (like the original tag game)
  • Having more than 2 teams (more than 2 colors)

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